Hot Honey made with scotch bonnet and habanero peppers, but no hot mess! The new easy-squeezy, 100% recyclable, BPA-free plastic bottle lets you control the heat, whether you want to hit your plate with a gentle drizzle or a generous dollop. No flower is off limits to our bee pollinator friends—they even gather pollen from the hottest pepper plants!About the Company:
Savannah Bee Company is a business inspired by the honorable honeybee. The company consists of a relatively small group of hard-working individuals fighting for a world where everyone wins, just like a beehive. In 2002, Ted Dennard founded Savannah Bee Company with the mission to sell the best honey and beehive products while educating others about the fascinating world of honeybees. The company continues to operate by this mission, producing the world's finest specialty honey, beehive products, and body care made with ingredients from the hive. Savannah Bee Company’s dedication to its mission is most visible through the cofounding of the Bee Cause Project, a not-for-profit that aims to educate the youth about the important role bees play in our ecosystem. Since its founding in 2002, Savannah Bee Company has expanded to 14 retail locations across the southeastern part of the United States and beyond.